Semiconductor and integrated circuit developments continue to proceed at
an incredible pace. For example, today’s mixed-signal chips perform a
wide range of applications unheard of a few years ago, including
wireless applications, high speed communications, and signal processing.
These challenges have been accomplished because of the integrated
circuit industry’s ability to track something known as Moore’s Law. A
corollary to Moore’s Law is that frequencies on mixed-signal devices
continue to rise. This has been accomplished by making devices smaller
and smaller. The question looming in everyone’s mind is “How far into
the future can this continue?” This course offers detailed instruction
on the physics behind the operation of a modern mixed-signal integrated
circuit, and the processing technologies required to make them. We place
special emphasis on current issues related to designing and
manufacturing the next generation devices. This course is a must for
every manager, engineer and technician working in the semiconductor
industry, using semiconductor components or supplying tools to the